Impact of Obesity and Diabetes-induced Metabolic Stresses on Cancer Cells

Hyperglycemic memory in cancer cells

  • 당뇨에 의해 발생되는 다양한 합병증의 분자기전 연구
  • 당뇨와 연관성이 높은 유방암의 발병에서, 당뇨기억현상 기전을 밝히고 당뇨합병증이 있는 암환자를 위한 맞춤 치료전략을 제시함
  • Published @ 2023. Nature Communications

The levels of Neuregulin-1 in tumor tissues is significantly augmented in breast cancer patient who suffer diabetes (hyperglycemic stress).

H&E and Neuregulin-1 immunostaining for tumor tissues from non-diabetic (Left, C2 and C9) vs diabetec (Right, D9 and D13) breast cancer patient.

Hyperglycemia epigenetically modify the enhancer region of Neuregulin-1 gene which is a potent growth factor for tumor growth.

Identify the molecular mechanisms how hyperglycemic memory occurs in oncogenic pathways of cancer cells.

Interplay between metabolism and DNA damage responses

Various metabolic stresses faced upon obesity and diabetes would contribute to genomic integrity of cancer cells, ie DNA damage response, which affect cancer cell behaviors.
We’re interested in the molecular mechanisms how metabolic stresses contribute to cancer cell growth and metastasis through genetic alterations in DNA damage response machinary.

Investigate the regulatory mechanisms of DNA damage response in adipocytes and its pathophysiological roles in systemic metabolism.